12 Things That Piss Me Off in Heroes of the Storm

Games, News / Misc
Copy of 251-01 12 PO HoTS

Heroes of the Storm is a fast paced MOBA that’s great fun to play until you encounter one of following scenarios that makes rage quitting an extremely pleasant idea. Read on to find out the 12 pains I’ve faced since I started playing the game one year ago.

1. Bad Nazeebo! Bad Zombie Wall!

More poison, less wall, Naz.

More poison, less wall, Naz.

There’s a retreating enemy, one more hit till he dies. You’re giving chase until you’re trapped in a ring of tiny zombies scratching at you but doing no damage while your prey escapes. Sounds vaguely familiar? That my friend, is an example of a bad Nazeebo and his frustratingly ill-timed zombie walls!

Newer Nazeebo players often make the mistake of trapping their allied teammates, not realizing that they can deactivate the walls immediately by using the same key that activates it – ‘W’. In team fights, this mistake can cost the team an objective and their lives.

2. Azmodan, why u block me?

You killing me, bruh.

You killing me, bruh.

Azmodan is a physically massive character to play in the game and he body-blocks enemy players with great ease. But the same can be said about body-blocking choke points or retreating allies with low health, giving the enemy the upper hand. Positioning yourself well is essential when playing as Azmodan.



3. Zeratul’s void prison denies you a kill/win

Zeratul’s sneaky ways are further empowered by one of his ultimate abilities ‘Void Prison’. Players or structures trapped in the void take no damage for a short duration. This buys his team time to move to a better position to ‘gank’ enemy characters stuck in the void or save a teammate fleeing from danger.

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Walk into my void minions!

Walk into my void minions!

4. Gall leaves, Cho sad

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Cho’gall is currently the most unique hero in the game where two players share the body of one character. Cho controls movement and does the tanking while Gall brings the pain as the assassin. The best of both worlds, they must pick talents that complement one another and work closely to destroy enemies.  If Gall leaves or disconnects, Cho becomes an easy kill for the enemy team.

Also the reason why Blizzard insists that both Cho and Gall queue together instead of randomly match-making players.

5. Tracer, so much cancer!!

Her mobility kills.

Her mobility kills.

Going up against a good tracer can be such a nightmare. Her blink ability allows her to dodge fatal blows and escape quickly when chased by the enemy. Her pulse bomb does massive damage at higher levels if you’re the ‘lucky’ fellow it latches onto. And her recall ability returns her to the position she was at 3 seconds ago, further confusing enemies and dodging damage. It’s a wreck and you do not want to be caught in a 1v1 with a competent tracer.

6. Long queue times

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Prepared for an exciting match, you hit ‘start’ to realize 10 minutes later, you’re still in the queueing screen. My hands are clasp tightly together like PJ Abathur, slightly shaking as I pray to the Nexus gods for a game to begin. And BOOM! He blesses me with a 5-man stack so my team and I can be steamrolled.

7. Reconnecting, forever

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Fights get intense, adrenaline is pumping and lo’ and behold, you’ve lost connection and are forever waiting to get back into the game. It’s infuriating and sometimes, restarting your game actually gets you back in on the action faster.

8. Ping, much?

Say no to over-pinging!

Say no to over-pinging!

I know things are about to hit the fan but dude, you have got to chill with your pings. Pinging incessantly distracts and annoys your team, try to calm down and prioritize if it is really necessary.

9. Guys, we got a RAMBO

HoTS RAMBO : stupid and… stupid.

HoTS RAMBO : stupid and… stupid.

Every once in awhile, you’ll get a ‘RAMBO’. A term I like to bless players with when they charge into an enemy team without checking if backup is on the way. Usually, it plays out with RAMBO dying, leaving the team to face a 4V5 fight over an objective. Why oh why?

10. Objective, Objective, Objective!!

Dragon Knight! Altars! Tributes!

Dragon Knight! Altars! Tributes!

Players who just don’t understand that Heroes of the Storm is an objective based team game. Guys, fellas, people of my people, please, focus on the objective when it activates, we can leave the epic team fights for later after we’ve secured it.

11. Don’t you dare AFK!

Why you AFK?

Why you AFK?

You died, you spawned. Okay, maybe you teleported back to replenish your mana but why are you still at the base when there’re fights to be had??

12. Mercenary camps ain’t a bad thing!

Capture the camps!

Capture the camps!

I’ll admit that badly timed fights to obtain mercenary camps can be detrimental to the team but they should not be completely ignored. If the situation permits, players should secure camps right before an objective spawns to give the team some additional pushing power while you engage the enemy over the objective.

Source for Images:  Gamepressure, Heroes of the Storm

Beginner’s Guide To Zul’jin : Taz’dingo!

Games, PC games, Reviews

Copy of 175-01 HoTS Zuljin

With lines like ‘we bring the pain’, Zul’jin the Armani troll warlord makes his brutal intentions clear as the latest hero to enter the Nexus.  Zul’jin descends from a long line of forest trolls that are best known for their berzerking skills. At low health, he will deal a ton of damage and potentially become invulnerable, making him god-like.

In Heroes of the Storm, Zul’jin is an aggressive ranged assassin, capable of solo laning. He works very well with healers and supports that can shield or sustain him as he exchanges health for damage output.

Let’s take a look at his passive and active abilities :

Zul’jin’s abilities dish out tons of damage at low HP.

Zul’jin’s abilities dish out tons of damage at low HP.

Balance your health and damage carefully!

Balance your health and damage carefully!

Berserker is Zul’jin’s bread and butter, a trait that provides passive and active boosts. In its passive form he attacks 1% faster for every 1% of maximum health missing. When activated it increases his basic attack damage by 25% but consumes 2% of his maximum health per attack, making him a very powerful hero. Players must use his active skill wisely because it eats away his health very quickly as his attack speed increases. Since he will be constantly low on health, Zul’jin does not make a good hero to contest objectives in Sky temple, Haunted Mines and Garden of Terror.

Great for 1 to 1 fights.

Great for 1 to 1 fights.

Grievous Throw launches a jagged axe forward, dealing 125 damage to the first 2 enemies hit, marking them for 8 seconds. Marked enemies take 50% bonus damage from Zul’jin’s next 3 basic attacks. To maximize your damage against marked enemies, only use it in open areas where there are no structures to obstruct you from landing your next few basic attacks.

Twin Cleave animation looks so impressive!

Twin Cleave animation looks so impressive!

Twin Cleave is Zul’jin’s crowd control ability that damages enemies nearby. Two axes fly in a large circular arc dealing 112 damage and slowing affected enemies by 15% per axe for 2 seconds. Players can be slowed a maximum of 30% if they happen to be at the point where both axes cross paths. Caution: you’ll miss this opportunity if you cast when the enemy is right in front of you. Since Twin Cleave is tricky to master, you should practice to cast it to the side of the target instead. This increases the chance of the axes hitting enemies as they retreat.

Slip out of the fight to regenerate health!

Slip out of the fight to regenerate health!

Regeneration helps Zul’jin stay alive longer, giving him 25% of his maximum health over 4 seconds. During an intensive team battle, Zul’jin might run low on health and attempt to regenerate. Channeling this ability can be interrupted when the hero moves or takes damage. It is therefore imperative for players to pick isolated locations to heal.

Zul’jin becomes untouchable.

Zul’jin becomes untouchable.

To compliment his abilities, Zul’jin can pick either Taz’dingo or Guillotine as an ultimate.

Taz’dingo! is an impressive ability that makes Zul’jin unkillable for next the 4 seconds and his health cannot be reduced below 1. This ultimate synergizes beautifully with his trait, Berzerker. With it, he can boost his attack speed to almost 100% without fear of being killed. Taz’dingo is best used when he is at low health, however, applying it preemptively could save him from an enemy’s ability combo. He can also use it defensively to escape, when the battle is not to his team’s favor.

Party up with other crowd control heroes for spot on hits.

Party up with other crowd control heroes for spot on hits.

Guillotine launches a massive axe into a targeted area, dealing 210 damage and more, the lower his health is. When this ultimate is used, there is a slight delay before it hits the target area. It is therefore essential that players trace enemies movement before casting it. Guillotine is best used with other teammates crowd control abilities like E.T.C’s mosh pit, Thrall’s earthquake and Zeratul’s void prison to ensure it strikes intended targets.

  • Use Berzerker active trait wisely, it increases your attack speed but drains your health quickly, leaving you vulnerable.
  • As Grievous Throw will mark the first two targets it hits, use it when your targets are in clear view without enemy minions blocking your path.
  • Always randomize the location you pick for Regeneration, damage from enemies could interrupt it.
  • Sometimes it is good to use Taz’dingo early to avoid enemy combos or escape a messy team fight.
  • Tracing your enemy’s movements is crucial when casting Guillotine as there is a slight delay.

Zul’jin is best paired with strong frontline heroes that can peel the enemy away from him as he deals massive damage. As noted above, given he trades health for attack speed and damage, a good support hero like Uther and Auriel can help sustain his life.

Players will need to constantly balance when to sacrifice Zul’jin’s health for increased damage and speed. Mastering this will make you a strong Zul’jin player and an asset to the team.

Source for Images: Heroes of the Storm Youtube Channel