Far Cry 4 follows the journey of Ajay Ghale, a young Kyrati-American on his quest to scatter his decreased mother’s ashes in her beloved hometown of Kyrat. He escaped his hometown at an early age when a civil war broke out, only to return back to another on-going war between the Royal Army, lead by the despotic Pagan Min and The Golden Path, a rebel movement founded by his father.
As you can imagine, Ajay does a lot of exploring and fighting in the game’s main story, figuring out the links between his late mother and Pagan Min while being the beacon of hope to The Golden Path. Will he overthrow Pagan Min and his army? You’ll have to pick up a copy to find out!
In the meantime, I’ve chanced across a few celebrities that look strikingly similar to certain characters in Far Cry 4, and yes, this includes the seductively evil Pagan Min!
Check out my fan casting choices and let me know if you agree or who you would have cast instead!
1. Godfrey Gao as Ajay Ghale
Godfrey Gao is a Taiwanese-born Canadian actor that has starred in several TV dramas like “God of War, Zhao Yun” and “Hello Gorgeous”. He has also modelled for fashion brand Louis Vuitton.
2. Shun Oguri as Mohan Ghale
Shun Oguri is a Japanese actor, voice actor and film director that has done voiceovers for many animes and even the Japanese dub for Cody Maverick in Surf’s Up!
3. Anderson Cooper as Pagan Min
While not technically an actor, Anderson Cooper is an American journalist, tv personality and author that has an uncanny resemblance to Pagan Min. He is the host of Anderson Cooper 360 that covers breaking news daily.
4. Naveen Andrew as Sabal
Naveen Andrew is a British-American actor that has starred in the popular TV series Lost, and is the actual voice actor for Sabal in the game. If they made a movie, he would 100% fit the bill.
5. Demi Moore as Noore
Demi Moore is a wildly popular American actress in Hollywood who has starred in the classic romance movie ‘Ghost’ and played the role of tough, no-nonsense Navy Seal Trainee in ‘G.I Jane’.
6. Maggie Q as Yuma Lau
The very beautiful Maggie Q is an American actress and model that has starred in blockbuster movies such as the Divergent series and Mission Impossible III. In her earlier career, she was best known for playing the lead in Spy fiction thriller, Nikita.
Source for Images: IMDB , Far Cry 4 Official Website