Token Security Scheme – a Cybersecurity Platform That Safeguards All Crypto-Assets Launches Its ICO on 6 November

Press Release, Token Security Scheme (Crypto)

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Taking Security Technology Behind the Banking and Payment Card Industry of Digital Key Management and Applying it to Blockchain Technology to Enhance Security and Minimize Theft of Crypto-assets

Nov 5th, 2017, Singapore – Token Security Scheme (TSS) has announced today that their token sale will begin on 6 November. It will utilize funds from the campaign to build Distributed Hardware Security Modules (DHSM) infrastructure, which will be set up in Enhanced Payment Card Industry (EPCI) security compliant facilities located around the world. These facilities will be regularly audited by certified professionals to ensure up-to-date compliance.

Next, the DHSM network will be further expanded to forge more partnerships with key players located globally to set up more facilities. Users can look forward to trading with a peace of mind that their digital assets are secured in multiple locations and immune to destruction by disasters or malicious parties. The platform’s main security features are:

  • Distributed safekeeping of the private keys over various geographical locations
  • Multisig verifications
  • Continuous certifications by PCI compliance professional auditors
  • Key recovery with stringent authentication
  • Development of trusted nodes for permissioned blockchain


Together with their technology partners, TSS will develop and host use cases such as:

  • Cryptocurrency wallet providers
  • Cryptocurrency exchanges
  • Safe identity repositories
  • Permissioned and permissionless blockchains and more

With these plans in place, Token Security Scheme hopes to make the blockchain a safer place to carry out crypto-activities, enhance security and minimize the theft of crypto-assets from individuals and businesses.

Token Details
Token Code: TSS
Token Type: Ethereum ERC20

Token Sale Details

The upcoming token sale will allow participants to purchase a maximum of 100,000,000 TSS tokens to support and bring the security platform project to fruition.The only currency accepted when purchasing tokens is Ethereum and there are exclusive bonuses available depending on the phase contributed. Here are the details :

Week 1: 15% Bonus
(1 ETH = 1150 TSS)
Start: 06 Nov 2017 00:00 UTC+8
End: 13 Nov 2017 00:00 UTC+8

Weeks 2 & 3: 10% Bonus
(1 ETH = 1100 TSS)
Start: 13 Nov 2017 00:00 UTC+8
End: 27 Nov 2017 00:00 UTC+8

Week 4: 5% Bonus
(1 ETH = 1050 TSS)
Start 27 Nov 2017 00:00 UTC+8
End: 04 Dec 2017 00:00 UTC+8

Those interested in purchasing the token to become a part of the initiative can visit TSS website at on 6 November when the sale goes live.

Contacts & ICO Information
TSS ICO Website | 5M Holdings Website

Token Security Scheme Collaborates With COREGATE and ECS to Extend Its Security Platform to South Korea and Africa

Press Release, Token Security Scheme (Crypto)

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SINGAPORE – October 25, 2017 – (

The idea behind Token Security Scheme (TSS) was born when its founders got frustrated at constantly seeing blockchain businesses being attacked and exploited by hackers, resulting in many investors losing their precious cryptocurrencies. After analyzing the massive weaknesses in the blockchain, they have developed a holistic plan to safely store crypto-assets securely, be it tokens or information, by using security technology trusted for years by banks and the payment cards industry.

The concept of TSS involves the storage of crypto-assets such as users’ private keys on Distributed Hardware Security Modules (DHSM), an infrastructure set up within Enhanced Payment Card Industry (EPCI) security compliant facilities. These facilities will be located in different continents across the world, regularly audited by certified security professionals to ensure up to date compliance. If a single facility should fail due to natural disasters or a wipeout due to an attempted security breach, the other facilities will act as a backup and safekeep users’ credentials. These DHSMs will become a safe vault for all crypto-assets held by individuals, corporate repositories and more.

To prepare and set up these geo-dispersed facilities, TSS will be partnering up with smart card and technology partners strategically located in key parts of the world. Their two latest partners to join the DHSM network are COREGATE and ECS.

COREGATE is a smart card solutions provider located in South Korea that has been operating since early 2000, specializing in Smart Card OS development, applications and management systems. Since South Korea is known to be one of the countries with the highest trading volume in cryptocurrency globally, COREGATE’s addition into the North Asia’s Hardware Security Module (HSM) network will allow TSS to better serve its customers in that region.

ECS is a smart card manufacturer located in Kenya, Africa that has been certified by Mastercard, VISA and American Express to provide services such as smart card data preparation, chip personalization and card fulfillment. Their partnership allows TSS to set up facilities locally to diversify their HSM footprint and serve a region with the highest mobile payment adoption in the world. On top of that, ECS will become important technological partners to help implement TSS’s future ventures that would value add to their growing list of services.

The pre-sale for TSS tokens has started and investors who purchase now will receive 20 percent bonus till the start of the ICO on 6 November. To get your tokens at the lowest price, head on over to their token sale page and help support their blockchain security platform.

Token Sale launch details

Pre-sale starts: 15 October 2017
ICO starts: 6 November 2017

Visit their website to learn more about Token Security Scheme’s concept and future plans. For a technical overview of the project, please download the whitepaper.

Contacts & ICO Information

5M Holdings Website|TSS ICO Website

5M Holdings Launches New ‘Token Security Scheme’ to Keep All Our Cryptocurrencies Safe

Press Release, Token Security Scheme (Crypto)

Featured in :  Digital Journal_logo   cryptocoinnews

SINGAPORE – October 10, 2017 

Entering the cryptocurrency world is a highly rewarding investment move but fraught with landmines where only the sophisticated participants could navigate them with careful execution. With news of various hacks reported daily stealing thousands (and sometimes millions) of digital coins, every single investor is wondering about the security of their cryptocurrencies. Ever wondered whether digital assets stored in the hardware or software wallets are safe and secured? No one actually has a clear-cut answer as to how to completely safeguard their stored digital tokens in the wallets and transactions.

Introducing the launch of Token Security Scheme (TSS) by 5M Holdings Pte. Ltd. which utilizes the technology behind the payment and banking industry of digital key management and applies it to blockchain technologies to enhance security and minimize the risk of theft of crypto-assets and other digital assets.

Problems Faced in the Industry

Over the past few years, high-profile cryptocurrency hacks have resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars being stolen online. Current crypto technologies are based mainly on ad hoc systems where the stakeholders’ information is not fully protected and secured. These vulnerable systems allow potential attacks from hackers due to their attractively large rewards.

“The project helps investors of cryptocurrencies safe keep their digital assets for their future generations. They can sleep soundly knowing that their wealth accumulated would not be taken away from them easily.” – Abraham Kee, Co-Founder of 5M Holdings.

Solutions and Features

To counter these security weaknesses, the security experts behind TSS plan to store crypto-assets such as users’ private keys on a Distributed Hardware Security Modules (DHSM) infrastructure, which will be set up within Enhanced Payment Card Industry (EPCI) security compliant facilities. These facilities will be geographically dispersed in various locations and will be regularly audited by certified professionals to ensure up-to-date compliance. If a single facility should fail due to natural disasters or result in a wipeout due to an attempted security breach, the other facilities will act as a backup and safe keep users’ credentials. These DHSMs will become a safe ‘Vault’ for all crypto-assets held by individuals, corporate repositories and more.

The platform’s main security features are:

  • Distributed safekeeping of the private keys over various geographical locations;
  • Multisig verifications;
  • Continuous certifications by PCI compliance professional auditors;
  • Key recovery with stringent authentication;
  • Development of trusted nodes for permissions blockchain

With these useful features backed by a team of security experts, TSS is looking to make the cryptocurrency world a safer place where all users can trade and transact securely with minimal worries about security.

Token Sale launch details

The Token Sale will start in November 2017.

Visit our website to learn more about Token Security Scheme. For a technical overview of the system, you can read the whitepaper.

Contacts & ICO Information

5M Holdings Website:

TSS Website:


About 5M Holdings Pte Ltd

5M Holdings was created with the vision to make blockchain an inclusive technology, to unlock its full potential for all communities globally. To make this vision a reality, a secure and robust platform will be created by our team of security experts to protect an individual’s or business’ digital assets, preventing it from being hacked and used for malicious means. This platform will be scalable enough for other use cases of blockchain technology to be built upon, such as cryptocurrency exchanges, wallet providers, permissionless and permission block chains like food safety blockchains and more. With greater security, comes endless possibilities.